Competency Management
At Maslow, we believe that sound governance over career development ensures equity and fairness to all your employees. It also identifies your organisation’s needs which will, in turn, lead to potential career development opportunities for your employees. Our Competency Management Model will not only help you retain talent but cut expenditure on recruitment, selection, induction, and training.
- Competency Dictionary
- Core Competencies- Leadership Competencies- Technical / Functional Competencies
- Job Family Development

A competency dictionary is a glossary of competencies needed to cover all job families, skills, knowledge, and abilities that are core or common to all the jobs within your organisation. These may include general competencies, such as teamwork, adaptability, and communication skills; to job-specific competencies, such as IT skills, or financial administration skills. When used in conjunction with an incremental competency proficiency scale, you will be able to support career development, succession management, and human resource planning activities more effectively within your organisation.
- A well-developed and research-backed dictionary of core competencies, leadership competencies, and technical / functional Competencies
- Core Competencies
- Leadership Competencies
- Technical / Functional Competencies
- A tailored industry-level dictionary of general competencies and job-specific competencies
- Additional behavioural indicators that reflect the performance expectations of your organisation
- A 5-scale incremental competency proficiency scale for each competency
Building functional career frameworks for your employees involves plotting both the technical and behavioural skill sets needed for every role and then paving a realistic a career roadmap that helps your employees meet their goals while supporting your organisation’s strategy.
- Create a comprehensive framework of the skills needed for each job
- Identify strengths and weakness within your current job families
- Identify possible routes for future progressions at each job
- Provide each job position with a professional development curriculum
- Tailor a custom framework that suits your organisation’s needs and supports employee development
Why your business needs it?
Competency dictionaries and job families work hand-in-hand to develop an integrated set of processes that help you attract, develop, and retain a high-performing workforce. With clearer and more consistent performance measures, you will not only ensure more consistency in employee performance but be able to meet your organisation’s current and future business needs. Employees who perceive opportunities for professional development and career progression will increase their productivity and discretionary efforts to become eligible.
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