Maslow’s Strategic Business Partners
SK International
SK International specialises in providing pre- and post-investment solutions to foreign (FDI) and domestic (DDI) direct investors in Malaysia that are second to none.
Health & Beyond Wellness Centre
Health & Beyond (H&B) is a state-of-the-art integrated wellness centre founded by a group of experienced and dedicated professionals to provide integrated health and wellness services as well as natural treatment modalities for total health and well-being to people from all walks of life.
Academy to Innovate HR (AIHR) is a global training academy providing rigorous digital HR & analytics programs. Their globally-recognised programs aim to prepare and upskill HR professionals for the future.
Skillsarena is a provider of assessment tools which measure and evidence candidates’ skills, abilities and competency in dealing effectively with a range of scenarios faced in working environments.

Interested in becoming a partner?

In the words of New York Times bestselling author, Tim Sanders, “Your network is your net worth”. So why not learn how becoming a Maslow Strategic Business Partner can help your organisation increase its net worth by landing new business opportunities and securing new streams of recurring revenue.
With a repertoire of over 50 business advisory clients, 150 consultancy clients, and 1,118 corporate training clients, Maslow is poised to take your organisation to the next level. We’ll not only put your organisation in the spotlight through our social media channels but you’ll be listed on our partner page and introduced in our newsletters. As our global clients are always looking for new, more comprehensive services, we are always quick to recommend our partners.


Interested in partnering with us?